Ocean pollution is a very serious subject. The major responsibility for this problem is Man's selfishness. Ever since human beings have wanted to fulfil their individual needs like having different clothing or technological devices. Consumerism makes this problem bigger every day. To fulfil individual needs we have produced a lot of unnecessary items, polluting the atmosphere and consequently the ocean, which is one of the largest habitats with one of the biggest biodiversities.
Lots of factories do not respect environmental policies and dump waste into rivers, which will reach the ocean. With this kind of behaviour, sea life is being destroyed and since we depend on sea resources, we will also be affected.
Not a long time ago I read an article about an event which took place in India. A factory was fined because they dumped toxic waste into a river. A journalist interviewed the man responsible for the factory and tried to know why they hadn't invested in filters or other devices to treat waste. The answer he got was that paying the fine was cheaper than invest in equipment to prevent waste dumping.
This made me feel unhappy because I don't understand why they don't care about the future of the environment. The only thing they care about is profit and money.
Some possible solutions could be rising taxes and fines, giving prizes to eco-friendly factories and changing environmental policies effectively.
To conclude, and since ocean pollution may have catastrophic consequences in the future of the planet, we need to find a leader that implements solutions for these problems. In fact, there were important changes in the last few years, but due to overpopulation and the rise of consumerism, the measures which have been taken until now have proven to be insufficient and ineffective, especially legal sanctions.
Sérgio Horzov
11º E, nº 24