domingo, 15 de maio de 2022


For the past centuries. technology has been evolving very quickly, changing our society into today's society. We can see technology everywhere, when we walk to school or work or when we go shopping, mobile phones spread in everybody's hands; we can see electric cars riding on the road, new buildings built with a brand new architectural technology and many more things.

Thanks to technology, diseases that were incurable five decades ago are now completely eradicated. Medicine has been improving a lot along with technology, which makes it super important to keep a healthy society.

Technology has also made it possible to store food using cold. If we hadn't discovered electricity, we would still be storing meat in containers full of salt. If it weren't for technology, we couldn't be using electricity to its full potential.

Besides these everyday improvements, entertainment has also gained a lot with new tech. For example, video games are now a fun way to spend our free time.

However, technology has also got its downsides. For instance, mobile phones and video games are turning people into extremely sedentary and unhealthy humans. People spend way too much time staring at screens, which is not only bad for their physical health, but also for their socializing skills. Members of the same family no longer talk with each other as often as they used to.

Technology has also started to substitute humans for their jobs, so some people started losing their jobs to machines.

All in all, I believe that technology has huge advantages, but we should be careful with what we can do to mankind in the long term.

by Salomé Melo, nº 22, 10º A

domingo, 1 de maio de 2022


We should ask first what we think technology means. In this essay I will consider technology as something that was created by humans and wouldn't exist anywhere if we had never created it. A bow is technology, we put together wood, and mix some leaves to make a tool, then we created the arrows which before had just been a stick and a tooth or a rock and we bounded them together to make a letal weapon that could save us from any predator. If we hadn't advanced enough to make these weapons, we would probably be extinct.

 Technology is advancing everyday and we can find it everywhere. In this moment, I'm using something that was only possible with technology. This pencil wasn't handmade and either was the paper I'm using to write this argument. Can you imagine the time and money that would cost to make pencils to a single class without technology?

Nowadays we can also mention 5G Internet. Why we would need a better connection if we already had 4G, you can ask. Well, there is a big difference between these two. With 5G we can literally download any programme or any other network app or file in seconds. Maybe, it doesn't look that much important, but people could be saved with it. Imagine an undercover agent that is trying to send a file with 240 gigabytes with proofs to send, for example, the North Korea's president to prison. With 4G it would take about 4 hours or more to send the file, which would be more than enough for the agent to be killed and the download stopped. With 5G we could send that 240 GB file in less than a minute. Furthermore, with the development of human enhancement we could send the same file to the FBI in milliseconds and we wouldn't need any device, we would just download it in our head and send it right away.

Technology can also make us safe everywhere. Imagine a world where everything and everybody is being watched, you may say the leaders are taking away our privacy. Why would anyone care if you are going to bed only at 6 a.m. or anything like that? Technology would then be used to make people safe, since you wouldn't be robbed or killed. Because, if people are worried about being watched, then it means they are doing things that they don't want others to see, like killing or robbing someone. There's is no reason to be worried about your "privacy" if you aren't doing anything illegal.

In conclusion, I believe that we should develop technology as much as we can, because only good things will happen.

by Guilherme Rodrigues, nº 12, 10º A

sábado, 23 de abril de 2022

Project Work 10th A (1st term)

 by Duarte Rodrigues

      Afonso Aguilar

      Gabriel Soares

terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2022

PROJECT WORKS 10th E (1st term)

made by: Carlota Dias

                Jandira Gonçalves

                Eldivânia Trindade

                Luiza Alexandre

 made by: Afonso Dias

                 Afonso Torres

                 Beatriz Silva

                 Nidhi Mogatlal

quinta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2022

Work done by Maria Francisca da Quadrada, 10º H2

Will we survive on Earth? 

If we ask, “Will we survive on Earth?” to several people, we will receive different answers because some people think that climate change isn’t a real problem. But the truth is that it is one of the biggest obstacles we are facing nowadays.  

If we decide to ignore this problem, we will be disregarding our extinction too. In the XXI century, the pollution created by human activities is responsible for the fast warming of the planet. To some people, that only means higher temperatures, and that is the other problem, the ignorance of people. Humanity is trying to evolve but doesn't care about the consequences. The Earth is a set of interconnected subsystems, and when we interfere with one of them, we are involuntarily affecting all the others. In this case, global warming is causing intense droughts, water scarcity, severe fires, rising sea levels, flooding, melting polar ice, catastrophic storms, and declining biodiversity. 

To sum up, in my opinion, the answer to the question "Will we survive on Earth?" depends on what we are willing to sacrifice to save our planet. 

Do you think the governments will be capable of putting the life of our planet before money? 


Maria Quadrada, 10th H