From director Davis Guggenheim, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH, is a passionate and inspirational look at former Vice President Al Gore´s fervant crusade to halt global warming´s deadly progress by exposing the myths and misconceptions that surround it. In this intimate portrait of Gore and his "travelling global warming show", Gore comes across as never before in the media - funny, engaging, open and intent on alerting citizens to this "planetary emergency" before it´s too late.
from www.climatecrisis.net
3 comentários:
Always an excellent film / documentary to highlight the topic of environment :)
This documentary about the global warning is a great way to see the current situation and understand which are the possible consequences in the future. It is also a good way to see what we can do to reverse this huge global problem. It makes us believe that it is in our hands to do the little we can so that together we can save our dear Planet.
Once, I saw this documentary and, thereafter, I became an interested and better informed person about the controversial case of Global Warming. "An Inconvenient Truth" is a very good way to alert people for the most probable destiny that is reserved for the Earth if we don't do nothing about it. Al Gore explains in a very charismatic way but, also, seriously what are the consequences of our behaviour to the next generations. He showed that, even if we don't care about the problem which will certainly cause the destruction of the Planet, we surely must care about our kids future lifes.
Catarina Deus, 11º B
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