A hydrogen explosion rocked the earthquake-stricken nuclear plant in Japan where authorities have been working desperately to avert a meltdown, compounding a nuclear catastrophe caused by Friday's massive quake and tsunami.

Third blast rocks Japanese nuclear plant
Radiation levels increase as technicians struggle to prevent meltdown
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 11:35am
Radiation at the Daiichi nuclear plant in Fukushima has reached harmful levels, the Japanese government says, after a third blast damaged the containment system of the second reactor. A fire that broke out at the plant’s fourth reactor also caused more radioactive leaks. Cooling seawater has been pumped into the plants first and third reactor, stabilizing them for the time being. Radiation levels were higher than normal in Tokyo, which lies about 250km away from the Fukushima Daiichi plant, although officials say there are no immediate health dangers for residents in the capital. The 140,000 residents living within the 30km exclusion zone who have not already been evacuated are advised not to leave their homes. The latest death toll from the earthquake and tsunami sits at 2,400 but is estimated that at least 10,000 people have been killed, and 500,000 people are homeless.
BBC News
3 comentários:
It's really amazing (and horrifying) the effects of radioactivity. I really feel bad for the people of Japan, as if the tsunami wasn't enough...
Though, we cannot forget that we, in Portugal also, live in constant danger, (for egg: we have a nuclear plant near us, in Spain), and something we forget that it's only needed one little mistake for life of millions be changed forever. To refresh our minds with that constant and unexpected danger, we only have to remind of the Chernobyl disaster...
Everyday when i go to bed i pray to God that he protects me from these dangers, cause i am really afraid of these nuclear plants. I am há pH that Portugal is really retarded and has not these machines.
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