In my perspective, this issue is a very big step to mankind. Nowdays it is not possible to clone people, but when that happens, clones will do the dangerous jobs, so the population will develop. Although if this technology falls in wrong hands there wouldn't be any way for the world to avoid its consequeces, like an army of clones. In addiction to this, some people whould try to obtain this technology illegaly which would lead to countries forbidding some people to use the technology, that could lead to xenofobism and some people wouldn't have enough money to pay for it, leading to problems. In conclusion, this advance has several good things, but also a lot of bad things.
JIn my perspective, this issue is a very big step to mankind. Nowdays it is not possible to clone people, but when that happens, clones will do the dangerous jobs, so the population will develop. Although if this technology falls in wrong hands there wouldn't be any way for the world to avoid its consequeces, like an army of clones. In addiction to this, some people whould try to obtain this technology illegaly which would lead to countries forbidding some people to use the technology, that could lead to xenofobism and some people wouldn't have enough money to pay for it, leading to problems. In conclusion, this advance has several good things, but also a lot of bad things.
By the fact that already two monkeys clones were created in a Chinese laboratory, means a huge probability of human cloning in a short amount of time. What are the consequences of that? Well, human cloning will have a positive impact in medicine, but, there are also social issues and ethical concerns about this subject. From a religious standpoint, there are two groups of people. The ones that are opposing the technology as usurping God's place and, to the extent embryos are used, destroying a human life. Others support therapeutic cloning's potential life-saving benefits. The second particular worry, is, that technology is not yet developed enough to be safe. Many attempts at animal cloning produced disfigured monsters with severe abnormalities (which proves their point). And, because of those experiences that went wrong, it also exists people that are against human cloning, due to the suffer from malformation before they die. In my opinion, we have other and better ways to help new discoveries in medicine and science than human cloning. But I'm not against the human cloning (if used for the right reasons). My biggest fear is if it is used for the wrong purpose by the wrong people (for money, for example).
By the fact that already two monkeys clones were created in a Chinese laboratory, means a huge probability of human cloning in a short amount of time. What are the consequences of that? Well, human cloning will have a positive impact in medicine, but, there are also social issues and ethical concerns about this subject. From a religious standpoint, there are two groups of people. The ones that are opposing the technology as usurping God's place and, to the extent embryos are used, destroying a human life. Others support therapeutic cloning's potential life-saving benefits. The second particular worry, is, that technology is not yet developed enough to be safe. Many attempts at animal cloning produced disfigured monsters with severe abnormalities (which proves their point). And, because of those experiences that went wrong, it also exists people that are against human cloning, due to the suffer from malformation before they die. In my opinion, we have other and better ways to help new discoveries in medicine and science than human cloning. But I'm not against the human cloning (if used for the right reasons). My biggest fear is if it is used for the wrong purpose by the wrong people (for money, for example).
This is a remarkable achivement that put us a little closer to human cloning. Human cloning would have several positive impactes such as the treatment of some diseases that nowadays don't have any cure and would allow the rescue of some endangerous species. However, not only this could create some mundial confilcs ,since that this act goes against to the principles of some religios and cultures, as it would mean an increasement of population which would contribute to a faster exhaustion of the natural resources. To sum up, I belive that eventhough this discovery would be positive in some ways, it would also have some disavantages.
In humble opinion, this is a small steep from one of the biggest discoveries of the XXI century, but also a dangerous one. This will lead to a new age of revolutionary medicine, by the possibility of creating a new healthy copy of a dying organ replacing it. However, the mortality rate will decrease which will generate an early run out of natural resources and, therefore, redouble the serious environmental problems we are facing nowadays. In other words, this is not a way of overcome the present humanity issues.
Monkey cloning is definetely a progress to human cloning due to the similarity of our genes. This will raise a whole new world of ethnical issues as it will most certainly be a controversial subject discussed by everyone in the world, there will be different opinions, however i think there's only one way to see this hot topic: human cloning is immoral. The possibility of human cloning threatens fundamental principles on which human rights are based like human equality and non-discrimination it goes against the values humanity has been trying to establish. Just thinking on the idea of being born as a result of an experience which purpose is to copy another human scares me! And this clone would problably be born asexual, different from other humans, the integrity of that human's identity would be totally destroyed. That's why in my point of view human cloning is immoral and wrong.
In my opinion, cloning monkeys it’s just the start to a new technological path. Now the scientists start with monkeys and then they will evolute to cloning humans. Cloning humans will have a positive change in our lives. It will provides us the change to develop while they do our hard work. It will be a very big step for medicine as we will be able to do more transplants and save lives. Also, we can clone animals and save endaugerous species. There is also a negative side as their is the possibility of overpopulation. Leonor Barrote
The society doesn't really talk about human cloning as much as other controversial issues, because until recently that idea was imaginable. If we really think about it, human kind has already accomplished monkey cloning in China, so probably human clones are not as impossible as we thought. If scientists and other great minds really come to that, there will be good and bad consequences in the future. The good aspects of human cloning might involve a prolonged life in the future (by manipulating the cells in our bodies), which humanity has always aspired to have. It could also help with health issues, such as finding new cures to diseases, or even replacing organs. But of course nothing can be done perfectly, human cloning would also have bad aspects. The main ones would be ethical and moral issues, we were brought to this world because of the reproduction between a man and a woman, which was God's will, and because of that, many people go against it. Human life would also lose purpose, why would we still be here if there was something more efficient and long lasting out there? Concluding, I think human cloning shouldn't be allowed unless the situation is really extreme and in need of that. Otherwise, I think if we cloned monkeys already we can surely discover a lot of new solutions through new technology.
For me this discovery is really huge because you're getting closer to human cloning, which is great imagine the things you could do, you could send your clone to work or school, you could also make a clone of yourself to test cures to a disease that you have. But of course, there are many disadvantages such as humans would get lazier and they would stop working and that is not good. If I kept writing all the advantages and disadvantages this would be a book so here's my opinion about cloning.
I consider this to be an incredible scientific breakthrough, that will open new possibilities, such as human cloning, as well as other forms of cloning, that will solve many of the problems that we are currently facing as a race, as I will explain later. Most people share an understandable apprehensiveness regarding human cloning, to which I can relate, because cloning whole humans is not only extremely unethical, as it isn't practical nor useful. For me, the only advantage of cloning humans would be that it makes it possible for infertile couples to have children with DNA qualities from both parents. However, cloning at smaller scales brings many benefits to the field of medicine, for example. Cloning organs will save many lives, and no more people would have to wait for another person to die in order to get a transplant. Also, cloning embryos would provide us with stem cells, from which we can make new "heart muscle, bone, brain tissue or any other type of cell in the body." Another advantage of cloning is the eradication of hunger, because if we could clone as many of the same animal as we want, lack of food would no longer be a problem. However, cloning also has its disadvantages, like it being unethical and immoral, as previously mentioned. Also, cloning would have to be done after rigorous experiments, because if something goes wrong, there could be genetic anomalies that could risk the well-being of the human race. To add to that, even if everything is done well, there is still the risk of mutations, which would have similar consequences to genetic anomalies. I could also refer other disadvantages, such as discrimination problems and clone rights. To conclude, I think that cloning, similar to any other invention, is a good thing if used correctly, but it could have possibly devastating repercussions. "With great power comes great responsibility"
From my point of view, this matter is of huge importance since it can lead to something which is desired but also feared by humanity from a long time ago, human cloning. Nowadays, this issue is being discussed even more due to the fact that the science is just a step away from being able to do it. A lot of studies have been made and,as we can see in this video, scientists were already able to clone real monkeys, which are a type of animal really similar to humans. Human cloning is whished by many people but it's also feared by a lot too. This has to do with the fact that the discovery of human cloning can have great and important advantages but it can also be really dangerous. On one hand, human cloning would be really important because we would be able to create human organs and the big amount of sick people who need transplants wouldn't have to wait for other people's organs. On the other hand, this issue comes with a lot of ethical problems since it's like tricking the nature. Would the clones have feelings? Would they he able to have consciousness? No one knows certainly the answers to these questions but what we do know is that if this discovery falls into the wrong hands the damages could be huge and threatening. So,the real question is: are we,mankind, going to ignore the huge risk that comes along with this invention and put our ambition above of our safety? On my opinion, we should do it but with a lot of carefulness because if we never try we'll never know.
I think that monkey cloning is a huge progress and a step closer to human cloning, which has been the ultimate goal of scientist in this area for decades. Human cloning would be a huge step to mankind and just like everything it has its advantages and disadvantages. For the good part it would allow us to evolve in areas like medicine. Per example we would be able to test new medications and treatments or even replace organs. The bad aspects would more likely have to do with the ethical and moral issues this subject brings up; a lot of people wouldn’t agree with human cloning because of the idea that we were brought to this world through reproduction and to them that’s how it should be, we shouldn’t be “born” via machines; although there would be more bad aspects in my opinion this would be the biggest. Although there are good and bad things about this subject, human cloning doesn’t seem as impossible as it did yesterday, the fact that monkeys were successfully cloned in China is the proof of that. This is a rather controversial topic with both good and bad aspects, but ultimately I think human cloning would be a good thing and an amazing scientific progress.
From my point of view, human cloning has advantages and disadvantages. First of all, I will start with advantages. For example, when people have several sickness or injuries, they can transplant their organs from the clone ones because they have the same DNA as the person in question. The disadvantages are precisely the opposite. Morally, clones can’t be used just for organ delivery because they have conscious like the rest of the people. Now, to conclude my perspective, I am against human cloning because I think that is morally incorrect.
Yes, the success of this experience it’s a huge step in the field of cloning. And of course this has its impact to the project of human cloning. A “small step to the men a giant step to mankind” moment. With those two monkey there will be a way to simulate the reaction of the primate system to diseases like cancer and Parkinson’s. That would allow us to save more lives and live longer. But I saw another perspective that missed the cientist wail watching the monkey video on class. They weren’t just clones, they are monkey, babies and a form of life. I don’t think that is morally correct to experiment in every form of life. It’s not normal. Baby monkey of that that age need a mother, someone to teach their basics and shouldn’t be locked a laboratory even though they’re probably very well cared after. In the consequence of the success of this experiment , human cloning isn’t far away. So in one day there will be clones walking around. Would humans be needed? No. The important thing about humans is that we are all different and that’s the thing that distinguishes us. So when there’s someone just like you why are you needed in the world. You aren’t. So why be here? I don’t want a clone to replace and I think the men and women can do so much with the clones. In my opinion maybe the clones aren’t so good as everyone think.
First of all, progess is always good. Being able to clone monkeys is small step towards human cloning. Although cloning humans brings enormous ethical issues, this is a game changing invention, that has huge benefits in fields such as medical cares. We mustn't be afraid to advance, otherwise evolution will stop.However, with great power comes great responsability and mankind must rise up to the occasion and find solutions. I believe that you're only beaten when you give up and that's why we shall not fear peogress,we must embrace it order to prosper
Cloning technology has always been a dream of scientists, a futuristic idea, but back in 1996, with worlds first mammalian clone Dolly the sheep it became more of a reality and possibility. Now with the birth of two cloned monkeys it is even more difficult to ignore the possibility of trying the same with humans. This kind of research is undoubtedly worthy for science but I think that by using primates we may be entering very dangerous ground . Trying to be God and manipulate such a complex and delicate thing such as life will have consequences . Nobody can know for sure were this technology will lead us but from the information I gather my predictions aren’t very positive. We can argue that if someone is sick and has no donner how easy it would be to just make a healthy copy of whatever the person needs, how an infertile women could have a baby and how clones could do the hard and dangerous jobs, and so. What if the organs for some reason are not compatible? What if the colne is just like a regular human with consciousness and feelings? I think that’s just being unrealistic. I see too many risks. It will probably create a lot of medical, moral, ethical, legal and social issues, the list is long. I personally do not agree with cloning in general. I think it would be more harmful than helpful.
In my opinion human cloning isn’t exacly a good thing. Of cource it can help us in things we cant do or that we are impossibilitated of doing, not to refer that they could help old people in their homes, help taking care of children and taking them to school like a real mom or dad, or even save lifes regenerating the sic or bad shapped parts of the body, and so on. But, on the other hand, they would of cource be used in different jobs that now a days are made by human and with they existence will put those ones without job. Despite of that, its also unfair for the clones themselfs because, altough they are not borned like us, they are basicly human and also feel pain and suffer, what makes their situation unfair too. Although all this I think that it will pass alot of time untill human clones are created and I belive that when and if the time comes, we will be able to handle the situation and transforme it in a good thing for us and for the clones. Constança Filipe 10B
In my personal opinion what I saw at the video is a huge problem because they are too close to human cloning and if that happen we will have some advantages and disadvantages. Clones could be a solution for health problems but also the begin of conflicts. Unfortunately I think that we will have mostly disadvantages like the feelings of clones. What they would feel? Or everyone would have possibility to buy one? Maybe the rich people will control the biggest development to technology...
To complete I think that cloning is a dangerous step to society.
What's the main difference between immortality and a-mortalility? The answer is simple, there is no immortality, but a-mortality is on the corner of the future, thanks to cloning development. Super rich families will have the possibility of renove their body tissues, old cells, blood vessels, continuously in short periods of time. However, these families are not immortals, but they are allowed to keep some distance from death
What's the main difference between immortality and a-mortalility? The answer is simple, there is no immortality, but a-mortality is on the corner of the future, thanks to cloning development. Super rich families will have the possibility of renove their body tissues, old cells, blood vessels, continuously in short periods of time. However, these families are not immortals, but they are allowed to keep some distance from death
In my opinion i think this is Just the start of new technological path, this discovery is really important to get more closer of human cloning . Now with two cloned monkey we can't ignore the possibility of trying the same with human. If that happen we will have same advantages and disadvantages. Advantages: the medicine will envolve a lot because we could test new medications and treatments or even replace organs and clones can be used for health problems. Disadvantages: clones can't be used just for health problems and tests they are human and they have feelings just like us !! For me cloning is the begun of conflicts , we can't live thinking that we have a second life . Daniela Flores (10 B)
21 comentários:
In my perspective, this issue is a very big step to mankind. Nowdays it is not possible to clone people, but when that happens, clones will do the dangerous jobs, so the population will develop.
Although if this technology falls in wrong hands there wouldn't be any way for the world to avoid its consequeces, like an army of clones. In addiction to this, some people whould try to obtain this technology illegaly which would lead to countries forbidding some people to use the technology, that could lead to xenofobism and some people wouldn't have enough money to pay for it, leading to problems. In conclusion, this advance has several good things, but also a lot of bad things.
JIn my perspective, this issue is a very big step to mankind. Nowdays it is not possible to clone people, but when that happens, clones will do the dangerous jobs, so the population will develop.
Although if this technology falls in wrong hands there wouldn't be any way for the world to avoid its consequeces, like an army of clones. In addiction to this, some people whould try to obtain this technology illegaly which would lead to countries forbidding some people to use the technology, that could lead to xenofobism and some people wouldn't have enough money to pay for it, leading to problems. In conclusion, this advance has several good things, but also a lot of bad things.
João Crispim
By the fact that already two monkeys clones were created in a Chinese laboratory, means a huge probability of human cloning in a short amount of time. What are the consequences of that? Well, human cloning will have a positive impact in medicine, but, there are also social issues and ethical concerns about this subject. From a religious standpoint, there are two groups of people. The ones that are opposing the technology as usurping God's place and, to the extent embryos are used, destroying a human life. Others support therapeutic cloning's potential life-saving benefits. The second particular worry, is, that technology is not yet developed enough to be safe. Many attempts at animal cloning produced disfigured monsters with severe abnormalities (which proves their point). And, because of those experiences that went wrong, it also exists people that are against human cloning, due to the suffer from malformation before they die. In my opinion, we have other and better ways to help new discoveries in medicine and science than human cloning. But I'm not against the human cloning (if used for the right reasons). My biggest fear is if it is used for the wrong purpose by the wrong people (for money, for example).
Marta Maria (10ºA)
By the fact that already two monkeys clones were created in a Chinese laboratory, means a huge probability of human cloning in a short amount of time. What are the consequences of that? Well, human cloning will have a positive impact in medicine, but, there are also social issues and ethical concerns about this subject. From a religious standpoint, there are two groups of people. The ones that are opposing the technology as usurping God's place and, to the extent embryos are used, destroying a human life. Others support therapeutic cloning's potential life-saving benefits. The second particular worry, is, that technology is not yet developed enough to be safe. Many attempts at animal cloning produced disfigured monsters with severe abnormalities (which proves their point). And, because of those experiences that went wrong, it also exists people that are against human cloning, due to the suffer from malformation before they die. In my opinion, we have other and better ways to help new discoveries in medicine and science than human cloning. But I'm not against the human cloning (if used for the right reasons). My biggest fear is if it is used for the wrong purpose by the wrong people (for money, for example).
Marta Maria (10ºA)
This is a remarkable achivement that put us a little closer to human cloning.
Human cloning would have several positive impactes such as the treatment of some diseases that nowadays don't have any cure and would allow the rescue of some endangerous species.
However, not only this could create some mundial confilcs ,since that this act goes against to the principles of some religios and cultures, as it would mean an increasement of population which would contribute to a faster exhaustion of the natural resources.
To sum up, I belive that eventhough this discovery would be positive in some ways, it would also have some disavantages.
In humble opinion, this is a small steep from one of the biggest discoveries of the XXI century, but also a dangerous one. This will lead to a new age of revolutionary medicine, by the possibility of creating a new healthy copy of a dying organ replacing it. However, the mortality rate will decrease which will generate an early run out of natural resources and, therefore, redouble the serious environmental problems we are facing nowadays.
In other words, this is not a way of overcome the present humanity issues.
Monkey cloning is definetely a progress to human cloning due to the similarity of our genes. This will raise a whole new world of ethnical issues as it will most certainly be a controversial subject discussed by everyone in the world, there will be different opinions, however i think there's only one way to see this hot topic: human cloning is immoral. The possibility of human cloning threatens fundamental principles on which human rights are based like human equality and non-discrimination it goes against the values humanity has been trying to establish. Just thinking on the idea of being born as a result of an experience which purpose is to copy another human scares me! And this clone would problably be born asexual, different from other humans, the integrity of that human's identity would be totally destroyed. That's why in my point of view human cloning is immoral and wrong.
Pedro Raposo
In my opinion, cloning monkeys it’s just the start to a new technological path. Now the scientists start with monkeys and then they will evolute to cloning humans.
Cloning humans will have a positive change in our lives. It will provides us the change to develop while they do our hard work. It will be a very big step for medicine as we will be able to do more transplants and save lives. Also, we can clone animals and save endaugerous species.
There is also a negative side as their is the possibility of overpopulation.
Leonor Barrote
The society doesn't really talk about human cloning as much as other controversial issues, because until recently that idea was imaginable. If we really think about it, human kind has already accomplished monkey cloning in China, so probably human clones are not as impossible as we thought.
If scientists and other great minds really come to that, there will be good and bad consequences in the future.
The good aspects of human cloning might involve a prolonged life in the future (by manipulating the cells in our bodies), which humanity has always aspired to have. It could also help with health issues, such as finding new cures to diseases, or even replacing organs.
But of course nothing can be done perfectly, human cloning would also have bad aspects.
The main ones would be ethical and moral issues, we were brought to this world because of the reproduction between a man and a woman, which was God's will, and because of that, many people go against it. Human life would also lose purpose, why would we still be here if there was something more efficient and long lasting out there?
Concluding, I think human cloning shouldn't be allowed unless the situation is really extreme and in need of that. Otherwise, I think if we cloned monkeys already we can surely discover a lot of new solutions through new technology.
Inês Castelhano (10ºB)
For me this discovery is really huge because you're getting closer to human cloning, which is great imagine the things you could do, you could send your clone to work or school, you could also make a clone of yourself to test cures to a disease that you have.
But of course, there are many disadvantages such as humans would get lazier and they would stop working and that is not good. If I kept writing all the advantages and disadvantages this would be a book so here's my opinion about cloning.
André Sousa 10B
I consider this to be an incredible scientific breakthrough, that will open new possibilities, such as human cloning, as well as other forms of cloning, that will solve many of the problems that we are currently facing as a race, as I will explain later.
Most people share an understandable apprehensiveness regarding human cloning, to which I can relate, because cloning whole humans is not only extremely unethical, as it isn't practical nor useful. For me, the only advantage of cloning humans would be that it makes it possible for infertile couples to have children with DNA qualities from both parents.
However, cloning at smaller scales brings many benefits to the field of medicine, for example. Cloning organs will save many lives, and no more people would have to wait for another person to die in order to get a transplant. Also, cloning embryos would provide us with stem cells, from which we can make new "heart muscle, bone, brain tissue or any other type of cell in the body."
Another advantage of cloning is the eradication of hunger, because if we could clone as many of the same animal as we want, lack of food would no longer be a problem.
However, cloning also has its disadvantages, like it being unethical and immoral, as previously mentioned. Also, cloning would have to be done after rigorous experiments, because if something goes wrong, there could be genetic anomalies that could risk the well-being of the human race. To add to that, even if everything is done well, there is still the risk of mutations, which would have similar consequences to genetic anomalies. I could also refer other disadvantages, such as discrimination problems and clone rights.
To conclude, I think that cloning, similar to any other invention, is a good thing if used correctly, but it could have possibly devastating repercussions. "With great power comes great responsibility"
From my point of view, this matter is of huge importance since it can lead to something which is desired but also feared by humanity from a long time ago, human cloning.
Nowadays, this issue is being discussed even more due to the fact that the science is just a step away from being able to do it. A lot of studies have been made and,as we can see in this video, scientists were already able to clone real monkeys, which are a type of animal really similar to humans.
Human cloning is whished by many people but it's also feared by a lot too. This has to do with the fact that the discovery of human cloning can have great and important advantages but it can also be really dangerous.
On one hand, human cloning would be really important because we would be able to create human organs and the big amount of sick people who need transplants wouldn't have to wait for other people's organs.
On the other hand, this issue comes with a lot of ethical problems since it's like tricking the nature. Would the clones have feelings? Would they he able to have consciousness? No one knows certainly the answers to these questions but what we do know is that if this discovery falls into the wrong hands the damages could be huge and threatening.
So,the real question is: are we,mankind, going to ignore the huge risk that comes along with this invention and put our ambition above of our safety? On my opinion, we should do it but with a lot of carefulness because if we never try we'll never know.
Margarida Duque
I think that monkey cloning is a huge progress and a step closer to human cloning, which has been the ultimate goal of scientist in this area for decades.
Human cloning would be a huge step to mankind and just like everything it has its advantages and disadvantages.
For the good part it would allow us to evolve in areas like medicine. Per example we would be able to test new medications and treatments or even replace organs. The bad aspects would more likely have to do with the ethical and moral issues this subject brings up; a lot of people wouldn’t agree with human cloning because of the idea that we were brought to this world through reproduction and to them that’s how it should be, we shouldn’t be “born” via machines; although there would be more bad aspects in my opinion this would be the biggest.
Although there are good and bad things about this subject, human cloning doesn’t seem as impossible as it did yesterday, the fact that monkeys were successfully cloned in China is the proof of that.
This is a rather controversial topic with both good and bad aspects, but ultimately I think human cloning would be a good thing and an amazing scientific progress.
Leonor Henriques 10ºB
From my point of view, human cloning has advantages and disadvantages.
First of all, I will start with advantages. For example, when people have several sickness or injuries, they can transplant their organs from the clone ones because they have the same DNA as the person in question.
The disadvantages are precisely the opposite. Morally, clones can’t be used just for organ delivery because they have conscious like the rest of the people.
Now, to conclude my perspective, I am against human cloning because I think that is morally incorrect.
Carolina Laranjeira 10ºB
Yes, the success of this experience it’s a huge step in the field of cloning. And of course this has its impact to the project of human cloning. A “small step to the men a giant step to mankind” moment. With those two monkey there will be a way to simulate the reaction of the primate system to diseases like cancer and Parkinson’s. That would allow us to save more lives and live longer.
But I saw another perspective that missed the cientist wail watching the monkey video on class. They weren’t just clones, they are monkey, babies and a form of life. I don’t think that is morally correct to experiment in every form of life. It’s not normal. Baby monkey of that that age need a mother, someone to teach their basics and shouldn’t be locked a laboratory even though they’re probably very well cared after.
In the consequence of the success of this experiment , human cloning isn’t far away. So in one day there will be clones walking around. Would humans be needed? No. The important thing about humans is that we are all different and that’s the thing that distinguishes us. So when there’s someone just like you why are you needed in the world. You aren’t. So why be here?
I don’t want a clone to replace and I think the men and women can do so much with the clones. In my opinion maybe the clones aren’t so good as everyone think.
Ana Sofia Lopes 10B
First of all, progess is always good.
Being able to clone monkeys is small step towards human cloning. Although cloning humans brings enormous ethical issues, this is a game changing invention, that has huge benefits in fields such as medical cares.
We mustn't be afraid to advance, otherwise evolution will stop.However, with great power comes great responsability and mankind must rise up to the occasion and find solutions.
I believe that you're only beaten when you give up and that's why we shall not fear peogress,we must embrace it order to prosper
Cloning technology has always been a dream of scientists, a futuristic idea, but back in 1996, with worlds first mammalian clone Dolly the sheep it became more of a reality and possibility.
Now with the birth of two cloned monkeys it is even more difficult to ignore the possibility of trying the same with humans. This kind of research is undoubtedly worthy for science but I think that by using primates we may be entering very dangerous ground . Trying to be God and manipulate such a complex and delicate thing such as life will have consequences . Nobody can know for sure were this technology will lead us but from the information I gather my predictions aren’t very positive. We can argue that if someone is sick and has no donner how easy it would be to just make a healthy copy of whatever the person needs, how an infertile women could have a baby and how clones could do the hard and dangerous jobs, and so. What if the organs for some reason are not compatible? What if the colne is just like a regular human with consciousness and feelings? I think that’s just being unrealistic. I see too many risks. It will probably create a lot of medical, moral, ethical, legal and social issues, the list is long.
I personally do not agree with cloning in general. I think it would be more harmful than helpful.
Matilde Rodrigues 10ºB Nº23
In my opinion human cloning isn’t exacly a good thing. Of cource it can help us in things we cant do or that we are impossibilitated of doing, not to refer that they could help old people in their homes, help taking care of children and taking them to school like a real mom or dad, or even save lifes regenerating the sic or bad shapped parts of the body, and so on. But, on the other hand, they would of cource be used in different jobs that now a days are made by human and with they existence will put those ones without job. Despite of that, its also unfair for the clones themselfs because, altough they are not borned like us, they are basicly human and also feel pain and suffer, what makes their situation unfair too.
Although all this I think that it will pass alot of time untill human clones are created and I belive that when and if the time comes, we will be able to handle the situation and transforme it in a good thing for us and for the clones.
Constança Filipe 10B
In my personal opinion what I saw at the video is a huge problem because they are too close to human cloning and if that happen we will have some advantages and disadvantages.
Clones could be a solution for health problems but also the begin of conflicts.
Unfortunately I think that we will have mostly disadvantages like the feelings of clones. What they would feel? Or everyone would have
possibility to buy one? Maybe the rich people will control the biggest development to technology...
To complete I think that cloning is a dangerous step to society.
Andreia Balhico Nº5 10ºB
What's the main difference between immortality and a-mortalility?
The answer is simple, there is no immortality, but a-mortality is on the corner of the future, thanks to cloning development.
Super rich families will have the possibility of renove their body tissues, old cells, blood vessels, continuously in short periods of time. However, these families are not immortals, but they are allowed to keep some distance from death
Matilde Henriques nº 24 10ºB
What's the main difference between immortality and a-mortalility?
The answer is simple, there is no immortality, but a-mortality is on the corner of the future, thanks to cloning development.
Super rich families will have the possibility of renove their body tissues, old cells, blood vessels, continuously in short periods of time. However, these families are not immortals, but they are allowed to keep some distance from death
Matilde Henriques nº 24 10ºB
In my opinion i think this is Just the start of new technological path, this discovery is really important to get more closer of human cloning . Now with two cloned monkey we can't ignore the possibility of trying the same with human. If that happen we will have same advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages: the medicine will envolve a lot because we could test new medications and treatments or even replace organs and clones can be used for health problems.
Disadvantages: clones can't be used just for health problems and tests they are human and they have feelings just like us !! For me cloning is the begun of conflicts , we can't live thinking that we have a second life .
Daniela Flores (10 B)
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