sexta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2010

A última estrofe do poema de Brian Patten

We´ve had to fit "Granny Locks"
To keep poor Granny in.
She really doesn´t understand
How rain eats away the skin.

14 comentários:

Unknown disse...

In my opinion, the poem talks about the negative effects of acid rain.

João Cerqueira 11ºH nº12

Anónimo disse...

Seeing that the author of this poem is still alive and living the same problems we do, I have to say that the first thing that comes to my mind when I read this it’s acid rain, especially if this blog is about the environment, but it goes deeper. The aim, I think, it’s too show how we have changed the world since the time of our grandparents (and they probably helped us to reach this point!), that even the simplest things, like feeling the rain, all those little joys could be dangerous and harmful to us. That’s how destructive we are! We changed all the joys in nature, and not for the best I must say!

veronica disse...

The theme of the poem are acid rain.
The woords "rain eats away the skin" is compared to acid rain which destroy agricultural soils, the several monuments. Rain later this meant to be consumed and that we will "unlock from the inside".

Maria Mihaltchuk disse...

I believe this part of the poem talks about a river and a grandmother who isn't accustomed to the awful reality that acid rain exists and that it can be very dangerous.

maria mihaltchuk 11ºH

Informação Básica disse...

When he says how rain eats away the skin it’s easy to say what he’s talking about. Acid rain means rain that can have harmful effects on people and that is just difficult for older people to understand because they were not use to see that.

Raquel Faria 11ºH nº19

Unknown disse...

This excerpt from Brian Patten means that older people "Granny(...)" have more difficulties to understand what is happening with the Planet Earth's environment and more precisely with acid rains. "(...) How rain eats away the skin".
Catarina Loureiro nº1 11ºF

João Dias disse...

This poem's theme is clearly about the acid rains. Harmful rains for people and environment. Older people seem to misunderstand this idea and get confused, i think that's what the author meant by stating that granny didn't understand how rain ate away her skin.

João Dias, nº16, 11ºE

Unknown disse...

The main cause of acid rain are human activities (industries, automobile exhaust, burning of fossil fuels), they launch into the air many tons of toxic chemicals and fumes that go into the atmosphere. The rain reacts with these gases to form acids that fall very normal pH of rain.

Jéssica Ferreira, 11ºE

Bárbara Loureiro disse...

The poem is about the painful effects that acid rain has on people and the difficult that older people has to understand it.

Bárbara Loureiro 11ºF nº3

Unknown disse...

"Rain eats away the skin". Obviously, Brian Patten is trying to warn people about the acid rain effect's. Acid rain is a tainted rain that can devastate forests. "She really doesn´t understand". This is refering to the elders because it is just too hard for them to understand because they are not used to see anything like this. They just don't believe.

Tiago disse...

~This poem talks about the differences between two generations and how the older generation doesn't understand something which is explained by us. It also talks about the love that the author felt about this «Granny» and how we wanted to protect her of something very armful, but she doen't understand it.

Tiago Brito 11.ºE n.º 23

Unknown disse...

I am not really sure but I think the poem is related with the acid rain, that can cause very serious damages in the environment but that it`s invisible to our eyes.

Carolina Martinho 11ºE

Unknown disse...

Acid rain is a type of rain which contains chemical substances that are harmful both to animals, man included, and plants. This precipitation is being caused by the effluents sent to the atmosphere by man. The pollutant gases merge with the water vapor in the clouds, causing dangerous acid rainwater.
In the poem, Patten is talking about a rain that “eats away the skin” – acid rain -, which, in long term, will seriously damage our skin and burn the leaves of the plants, forbidding them to breath.

Marisa, 11ºH

Miguel Sousa disse...

It shows us that the world changed a lot in a short period of time and people haven't adapted yet to the climatic changes, in this case the acid rain, that harm our world in an unimaginable way.
Miguel Sousa nº22 11ºG