sábado, 6 de fevereiro de 2010



Things You can Do to Make a Difference:

- Turn food into fuel
- Change your lightbulbs
- Ride the bus
- Say No to plastic bags
- Drive green
- Consume less
Time, April 9, 2007


25 comentários:

Ana Isabel Lopes disse...

O video é muito elucidativo.
Ana Isabel Lopes

Ana 'Filipa disse...

Ana Filipa Silva, 11ºH, Nº5:

-> Turn off lights in unused environments;
-> Install solar panels to heat water;
-> Turn off the shower when you're soaping.

Maria Mihaltchuk disse...

in order to make a difference we can , for example, plant a three, take shorter showers and unplug electronic equipments that are not being used

Unknown disse...

-Recycle and use recycled products;
-Save Electricity and energy;
-Buy a hybrid car.

João Cerqueira 11ºH nº12

Anónimo disse...

Don’t leave in a mansion if you don’t need it. It requires more energy.
If you can hang up your clothes, instead of using the dryer, especially in Portugal that has such good weather.
Pay your bills online

Anónimo disse...

1.Plant a bamboo fence
2.Make your garden grow
3.Plant a tree in the tropics

Jéssica Ferreira, 11ºE

veronica disse...

1.Share more and live simply
2.Open the windows
3.Shut off your computer

verónica fernandes, 11ºE

Unknown disse...

1. Use recycled paper
2. Take shorter showers
3. Plant a tree

Informação Básica disse...

Things I can do to make a difference:
- Take shorter showers;
- Reduce the garbage;
- Use recycled paper.

Raquel Faria 11ºH nº19

Sari disse...

- Use recycled paper
-Plant a tree
-Save energy

Sara Leão. 11ºE. n34

Unknown disse...

Use the washing machine or dishwasher only when they are full

Do not leave appliances on standby

Cover your pots while cooking

Unknown disse...

There are several things every human can do in order to make a simple but necessary difference:
. Use less heat and hair conditioning
. Plant a tree
. Use recycled paper

Catarina Loureiro nº1 11ºF

Tiago disse...

1.Choose energy efficient appliances when making new purchases;

2.Do not leave appliances on standby;

3.Take a shower instead of a bath;

4.Recycle at home;

5.Switch to renewable energy

6.Protect and conserve forest worldwide.

Tiago Brito, 11.º E, n.º 23

João Dias disse...

Things we can do to help with this issue:

- Reduce carbon dioxide and other gases' emissions to the atmosphere by not resorting to vehicles and factories in order to attain our needs. Walking on foot for instance.

- Replace the use of fossil fuels such as oil and coal by compressed natural gas, for example. Although this alternative is also a finite resource.

João Dais, nº 16, 11º E

Bárbara Loureiro disse...

1. Take shorter showers
2. Recycling
3. Use less air conditions

Bárbara Loureiro 11ºF nº3

Joana Pedro disse...

First of all, we need to be aware that many of our bad habits cause an impact on the environment. We need to do something, like:
-walk more and drive less
-buy organic products, buying paper and other products that are recycled and rechargeable.
-do volunteer work, or give donations to organizations that support and protect the environment, human rights and rights of animals.
Joana Pedro 11ºE nº14

Rosa Maximiano disse...

-The increased use of solar energy;
-Cars powered by hydrogen;

Rosa Maximiano 11ºH Nº20

Unknown disse...

It isn't too much but it´s already something:

.Turning off lights.
.Take the bus, ride a bike, or walk.
.Buy products that don't use as much energy.
.Use solar energy

Carolina Martinho 11ºE

Unknown disse...

In order to make a difference, we can do simple things like buy recycled paper, turn off all the electronic gadgets that aren’t being used but still are consuming energy and take quick showers instead of long baths in order to spare the potable water.

Vanessa Ferreira disse...

- not throw garbage on the floor
- use the most of natural lighting within the home environment
- leave the car at home and use the public transportation system (bus, subway, train) or bike.

Vanessa Ferreira 11H

Miguel Sousa disse...

-Be vegetarian (the massive "production" of cows really contributes to the greenhouse effect)
-Save energy
-Raise the taxes of the products that harm the environment
Miguel Sousa nº22 11ºG

mani disse...

whether humans are influencing the climate and whether global temperatures will continue to rise rapidly in this century.

fvcdxs disse...

To garantee our future generations, every one must do something like turn off the light, recycl many as possible.

Tiago Monteiro, nº 23, 11º H

siqianhu disse...

ruduce emissions of gases,
save energy if possible,
recycle all product that is possible.

melga_nic disse...

Unplug electronics, Plant a tree, Eat less meat, Avoid products with lots of packaging, Recycle, Use less hot water, Check the tires, Drive less, Change a lightbulb, Pay your bills via the Internet and Consuming green and renewable energy.